
I don’t how the rest of you feel, but I can’t take another moment of this election.  Our choices are a communist, a liar, Ted Cruz and another liar.  The insults and accusations are flying. I don’t know who to believe.

Every station has their own agenda.  Most stations have a very liberal agenda and Fox News is clearly conservative.  So while I watch each station, I know who they are protecting and who they are attacking.  It’s just madness.

November cannot get here soon enough so this mess can be over!!

Take care fellow Americans!!




So where is the diversity in the Democrat Party? One old woman and 4 old white men.   I couldn’t bear to watch that awful debate last night.  I just knew what the theme would be.  FREE STUFF FOR EVERYONE! Ugh.  Who will pay for all of this?  Are you young people ready to give up 50% or more of your paychecks?  Don’t be fooled by the “tax the rich until they’re poor” routine.  Have you ever been hired by a poor person?  I think not.  

My biggest fear is that Americans will once again fall for a horse and pony show.  Remember Hope and Change?  How did that work out for you?  Was your insurance cancelled?  Could you keep your doctors?  Are you making way more money now than 7 years ago?  Is the world safer?  Wake up people.  Don’t fall for it again.

We all know what Bernie Sanders is all about.  I suppose the Democrat party is now the Socialist Party.  It sure isn’t the Democrat Party that we all knew from the 60’s and 70’s.  Now it’s about making politicians rich and all the rest of us poor.  And don’t get me started on  Hillary Clinton.  I cannot bear to see her and that sleaze ball of a husband in the White House again.  God forbid.  

Just remember, I warned you people.  Pay attention or we are doomed!!








It’s only September and the presidential race is in full swing and what a wild ride it has been so far.  We have a great group of people to choose from in the primary.  Democrats have a nothing but boring…Hillary, Bernie and some other guys whom I can’t even remember.  You know it’s bad for the Dems when they are begging Joe Biden to run.  

This whole Trump phenomena has me confused and amused. I like the way he is bringing issues to the forefront that we need to talk about.  Immigration, military, trade deficits and dysfunction in Washington are a few off the top of my head.  The other candidates have had to step up their game to address these issues, which I think is a good thing.  

I am making no decisions until the field narrows and I hear from each and every candidate what their goals will be as President. All I know is that November 2016 cannot come quick enough for our nation.  Our President has systematically destroyed our healthcare system, decimated our military and has divided our entire county along racial, religious and gender lines.  I have never seen it so bad as it is today.  Shame on him and shame on Washington for the past 6 years. 


(My sisters and my Mom – that’s me in the black)

Every morning I wake up I head to the bathroom and look at the mirror.  I really should not do that first thing in the morning.  Who is this person staring back at me?  I am fortunate that my body has just minor aches and pains.  My health is pretty good, so I don’t feel 59 years old.  I start my routine of showering, doing my makeup and hair and dressing for Florida weather.  I always like putting on my nice jewelry for a finished look.  Then I check myself out again.  Not too shabby.    I am amazed at so many women my age getting facelifts and botox.   (A little secret…I have thought about doing it too but then I come to my senses.)  I  have decided to age gracefully.  I have had plenty of medical procedures done which were not of my choosing.  Those procedures took so much out of me.  I refuse to put a knife to this body unless it is to save my life.  Period.   I am married to my sweetheart and we’re having a ball.  Life is good!

Cheers to all the lovely aging ladies out there.  Age with grace and live life to the fullest.  You all look MARVELOUS!


Spring Break 2012 037


Labor Day weekend was always a bittersweet time for me.  Summer was coming to an end and school was starting.  No more pool, beach and barbecues.  Then the leaves start to change and fun things were ahead!  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s.  Don’t forget that first snow fall.  It was fun being a kid.  Now that I’m retired and living in Florida, all the seasons run together but I still get joy out of seeing my nieces and nephews enjoy all of those things.  Time flies by so fast.  Memories stay with us forever.   Have a fun and safe weekend!


I spent a lovely day out with my husband perusing some local stores.  I was at Bealls checking out the ladies wear when I was subjected to a Grandma’s conversation, on her cell phone, regarding her brilliant grandson.  Oh my, this child must be the next Albert Einstein.  She went on and on and on and on about him.  Everywhere I went, there she was talking about this boy genius.  I beg of you all….put the cell phones away when you’re in public.  We don’t want to hear about your personal stuff.  It is boring as all get out.  Why do people talk so loud when they’re on their cell phones.  Is it because they can’t hear the caller?  It is because the want to get their point across?  I just don’t get it.  Annoying!!!

Now, carry on with your day.  I feel better now.

Sad Woman


Hi folks!

It’s been awhile.  I have been wallowing in defeat.  The election left me sad and tired.  But I’m back now with fighting words.

I’ve been perusing the internet looking for good sites to follow that speak for the conservative woman.  My favorite find is  Take a look, you will not be disappointed.   Also, is another that you’ll enjoy.  Smart and funny woman who are not afraid to speak their minds, this is the new conservative movement.  We all know the “war on women” was a big bogus lie.  Now that the election is over, knuckleheads like Eva Longoria are claiming that “there is no war on women”. Oh, now she tells us after dividing our nation like never before.  The new fight has begun Eva.  Wait and see.

Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend. Go out and enjoy your family and friends.  That is what life is all about!

‘Til next time my lovelies!

horrorIt is with horror that I watch the Code Pink warriors running around in vagina costumes.  Is this the only identity women have in the 21st century?  Women have evolved into so much more.  We are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, businesswomen, politicians, doctors, lawyers, nurses and you can add so much more to that.  Code Pink thinks that birth control and abortions are the only things we should be worrying about.  How about worrying as to whether or not you are going to get laid off from your job?  How about worrying if you can feed your family?  How about worrying about the future of the next generation?  But no, we have to have our eyes assaulted by vagina costumes as these clowns parade around the streets of Tampa.  My eyes are bleeding.  Women’s issues are important, but raising our daughters to become smart, educated and responsible adults is the most important job of any woman. 

Abortion is a touchy subject.  I was not able to have children due to medical issues.   My choice is this…I would never abort a baby.  Who speaks for those children?  If you have an abortion, you live with that decision for the rest of your life and don’t try to tell me it won’t haunt you every day of the your life.  Would it have been a boy or girl?  What would that child have looked like?  Who would they have become?    Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for abortions, period.  Ask those fabulously rich Hollywood stars, and rich liberals to help you out.  They have no problem pouring millions in the campaigns for crooked politicians. 

We are ready to move to a better and brighter future with a new President.  Embrace the message, you’ll be happier as a woman and as an American!


Last night I watched Ann Romney give her speech at the Republican National Convention. It was a beautiful speech and spoke to the heart of what American women really want in a leader.  She talked about her husband and gave us a picture of a loyal, caring, generous and loving man.  He has committed himself 100% to his wife, family and any job he has ever had.  He loves this country and is worried about it’s future.  This is the kind of leader we need.

After the speech I listened to the pundits discussing her speech and was stunned to hear Juan Williams at Fox News dismiss her as a typical “corporate wife”.  How insulting!  She has raised 5 sons, been the First Lady of Massachusetts and helped her husband through every campaign.  Why is that a bad thing in this country?  Staying home and raising 5 beautiful successful children is not work?  I hear women all the time mocking her for her decision to be a stay-at-home mom and wife.  Women are turning into their own worst enemies. 

I look forward to her being our First Lady and I’m sure she has always been proud of her country


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